Moved to Seattle

Ramblings of a hapless home remodeler, bibliophile (no need to clutter my head with facts), and clumsy cook.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Airport Rating

Phoenix Airport (PHX), Terminal 2 - Not Satisfactory

Unless you are a fan of the faded yesteryear, terminal 2 lacks significant charm. New carpeting cannot compensate for the dingy leather seats, slightly damaged "sound absorbing" ceiling tiles, and absence of all flight related personnel.

With a 5 hour wait due to "plane delays", the consensus of the comatose, befuddled, and slightly irate passenger group is....all Alaska airline personnel are electing to hide. With exhaustion and excessive traveling dimming any moral outrage that I might normally possess*, I can only speculate on why they have yet to formally tell anyone that the flight will be delayed for 4 hours. Perhaps, since it is not yet our official departure time, they are hoping to "borrow" a plane?

(Note to Alaska Airlines: Planes can be quite expensive, someone may notice if your fleet has a sudden addition, and their fleet is short a plane.) (*my stock of moral outrage is usually quite low, due to a sadly inappropriate sense of humor.)

However, their subtle ploys of avoidance and silence will not work! One of my fellow passengers has a connection in the Seattle airport. He has been receiving regular updates, and through his pipeline of information, we know that the plane has yet to leave Seattle. It is "broken" and they have not been able to fix it. While certainly not reassuring, I feel strongly that all the PHX passengers would prefer the plane be repaired (and gently tested through the flight from SEA to PHX) before we board.

Enough with the babble...where can I be found over the next month or so, you ask?
UT (3/26), NV (4/3), DC (5/12), OR (7/31), CO (8/13), OR (8/21)
Ship passing in the night - L (WA, spring break)
Special guests - A&M (5/16)

Wally has nothing on me! :)


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