Protective guard duck or an eerie spectator haunting my every move?
Happy Thanksgiving!
Or, as some of my relatives would say, happy American thanksgiving. :)
Perhaps I'm channelling M. Burns, but it has to be said... it's mine, all mine! Yes, escrow closed a couple days ago, but I didn't receive the house key. Instead, a covert meeting was required; it took a couple phone calls, racing (at legally permissible speeds, of course) against the clock to make it to the house and meet the listing agent, and pawing through a small planter.
I received the key in the nick of time. And, I was able to meet with Crown Delta about the absestos removal and the Costco representative for a bid to replace the carpet.
As I've been talking about the unique features of the house, I'm posting a couple pictures.
This is a shot of the mini-forest. Please note the density of the trees - there are 14 trees in the backyard. About 12 Douglas Firs, 1 Japanese Maple, and 1 un-identified (can't quite figure out what it might be) tree.
Due to vague comments about ancient curses, the maple will only be pruned, not removed. Plus, it is quite beautiful (a branch intrudes on the left, but it's otherwise not pictured). The downside being that it sheds leaves - why are not all trees coniferous? A note to Mr. Darwin - evolution isn't always convenient for the one that must rake and bag.
In addition to the excessive volume of trees, there are a couple of other "unique" features. The kitchen duck is shown above, but there is also, in the back yard, a fallen pigeon and staring squirrel. I'm not quite certain whether I will grow to love or fear the statuary. But, I am fairly sure that I will eventually move the bulk of it.
My favorite part of the house is the period fixtures. And, by period, I mean the period of 1968, when the house was built. I think that I have at least 5 light fixtures from the late 1960s and they are quite mod. Sadly, I am not. However, when I take them down, I will try to find someone that will enjoy them, via Craigs list or another venue.
Best wishes to all for a great holiday!
Keep the duck. I had it's cousin the rabbit when we moved in this house. Fortunately (?) Denny trashed it before I could become attached to it. Therefore the duck flies for you Beth, keep it in Seattle, it is not likely to want to migrate.
Au contraire...the duck has already checked shipping times and costs. The question is not whether it will fly, but whom it will fly to...
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